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Tips on Cleaning Toilet Bowls

When it comes to cleaning house, no task is dreaded as much as cleaning toilet bowls in the bathroom. Even though cleaning a toilet isn't something that you're ever likely to see as fun, the chore can be completed faster and easier if you approach it the right way, use the correct types of cleaning products and follow a regular cleaning schedule.

Unless the toilet bowl has deep and dark rings, cleaning toilet bowls can be quick and easy. Follow these steps to clean a toilet bowl:

  1. Open windows and put on protective rubber or latex gloves.

  2. Flip the toilet lid and seat up.

  3. Squirt a commercial or homemade cleaning product under the toilet bowl rim.

  4. Spray or sprinkle some cleaning product in the rest of the bowl.

  5. Let the products sit for five to fifteen minutes, or as recommended on the product label.

  6. Take a scrub brush and scrub down the sides and bottom of the toilet bowl until it is clean.

  7. Flush the products down the toilet.

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