Proven Ways to Eliminate Wall Geckos in your Home
There is a popular believe that gecko lizards aren't harmful and shouldn't be killed. In fact it is forbidden in some culture to kill them. But sadly, recent stories we have been reading via the internet has made this hitherto house friend an enemy.

Are Wall Geckos Poisonous?
Wall Geckos are not in themselves harmful to human by nature, neither are they poisonous or dangerous. However geckos like other pests pose a health challenge as they leave behind their droppings and also transfer bacteria as they crawl from one place to another. The problem occurs when they begin slipping their way indoors, crawling up walls, under appliances and leaving behind their droppings. Note that unlike rodents geckos can be found in any house whether clean or dirty.
Ways to Get Rid of Wall Geckos
Here are few tips that can help you eliminate or repel wall geckos in your apartment:
1. Ensure you fix net in all your windows and doors (for door that is not properly sealed). This is because this creature has the potential to enter your home/office between few inches. The popular aluminium sliding windows isn't reliable as they stroll to your house with ease from the bottom even after closed.
2. If there is infestation, chase them with garlic. Cut garlic and expose them where you normally see the droplet of the faeces. This will scare them away. Gecko lizards does not like garlic smell, no wonder they are not found in kitchens where there are garlics.
3. Egg shell is another good tool in warding them off. Break the eggs and leave the shells were their activities are common. This work like magic. Gecko lizards have phobia for egg shell. They always appear as their enemy.
4. Eliminate all insect in your house via routine fumigation or use of insect killer. Gecko lizards feed on insects and if insect are not available in your home/office, they won't like to live there. So regular fumigation or use of insecticides can help eliminate insect in your house.
5. De-clutter your home/office. When there are enough luggage and baggage in your house/office, it gives them a perfect place to dwell. This should should be discouraged. Try to make your house/office as scanty as possible. The same is true with your kitchen: avoid pilling of utensils and cartons in your kitchen so that they won't have a dwelling place.
6. Apply Gecko Repellent Spray: Gets rid of and keeps away all types Of Lizards & Geckos From Unwanted Areas Such As Sidewalks, Driveways, Garages, Sheds, Plants, Gardens, Patios by the use of wall gecko repellent spray. Made from natural organic materials these repellent spray won’t harm wildlife, insects, birds, pets, etc. but due to it being so concentrated, it makes gecko’s “wary” of treated areas.
Call a Professional Pest Control company in Nigeria
Geckos can be more than a nuisance. They can be a threat to your property and potentially your health. Addressing professional pest control companies is the optimal way of gecko extermination. Their services are safe and affordable.
Gecko Pest Control in Lagos, Nigeria
Where to find:
For more information call: (+234) 818 840 0001
How they work:
>>Professionals will discover the problem by interviewing you.
>>Inspection – experts will find out what pest challenges are present.
>>Treatment – gecko control treatment will be performed around the exterior of the house. Initial service will provide a barrier against re-infestation.