This is What Attracts Cockroaches to your Home
The discovery of a roach infestation can be a distressing realization for any property owner. As nocturnal pests, cockroach sightings typically happen at night. However, it can be easy to notice the signs of their activity during the day, making it important to learn what to keep your eye out for. These pests often dwell in kitchens, bathrooms, and basements, which is where you may notice foul odors, droppings, and other signs of their presence. Seeing even a few of the signs of cockroaches we discuss on this page signals it’s time to call your local roach exterminators at Cleaneat for assistance.

While roaches thrive all over the Nigeria, some areas are more preferable due to their humid climates and abundance of moisture. However, many cockroaches are location-agnostic and can enter a house simply because it's in their path. Once they enter your home and find a steady source of food and water, cockroaches may decide to stay.
Food and water sources
Your home contains many sources of food for cockroaches. You don't even have to leave food out in the open. In addition to feeding on what you might have in your pantry, these pests can chew on wallpaper, cardboard, leather, and soap. Additionally, cockroaches are drawn to moisture, which can be caused by leaky faucets and other open water sources.
Refuse of all kinds is an open invitation to cockroaches. If you have standing water, compost, woodpiles, and trash bins near your home, it may serve as a homing beacon for hungry and thirsty cockroaches.
Dirty dishes in the sink
Leaving dirty dishes in the sink (even for a short while) can attract roaches. A sink that provides both water and food is an excellent reason for cockroaches to settle in your kitchen.
Crumbs on the floor or counters
When you leave food out in the open, a stray cockroach that simply runs through your home on its way to another place could decide to stay.
If not properly bagged, stored in a tightly-closed receptacle or disposed of, cockroaches can feed on your garbage during the night. Make sure to remove garbage regularly.
Open pet food or food on the floor
When you feed your pets, make sure to remove any leftover food to avoid granting roaches easy access to a food source.
Some roaches enter homes when searching for shelter. When temperatures outside decrease, these pests look for a warm and humid place with plenty of food, making your home an ideal choice.
Your yard can also provide an appealing water and food source for cockroaches. Remove standing water and food sources to make your home and yard less attractive to roaches.
Even if you are doing everything right, cockroaches could come over from your neighbors' property — especially if you share an adjoining wall, such as in an apartment complex, condo or row home.
That's why professional pest control is always your best bet for getting rid of cockroaches.
How roaches enter your home
Roaches are small so they can enter your home in a variety of ways. Blocking some of the most common entry points can help prevent an infestation.
Cracks and gaps in windows and doors
If you have any cracks or gaps around your windows and doors, roaches can easily squeeze through. Make sure to caulk all cracks and gaps or replace old, drafty windows to block these entry points.
Holes in vents and pipes
Holes in your vents and pipes can make it easy for roaches to enter your home. If your pipes and vents are old, consider looking into getting them replaced. Make sure to inspect them regularly to catch cracks before they turn into holes.
Furniture and other items
In freestanding homes, German cockroaches may hitch a ride on items that are brought into the home such as groceries, new clothing, furniture, and suitcases.
Cockroach prevention tips
As the saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." One of the best ways to help get rid of roaches is to mount a strong defense in terms of good sanitation practices, such as daily cleaning and proper food storage. Staying mindful of these small-yet-important tasks can lessen your chances of a cockroach infestation.
Simple cleaning and maintaining a vigilant eye can help reduce the chances of a cockroach infestation, but cannot assure that cockroaches will not infest. In the event your roaches are too much to manage on your own, contact a pest control professional.
But how do you get rid of cockroaches for good once they've already entered your home?